The Junction Diner was a great place to work. It also taught me valuable lessons about working. The junction Diner is a small restaurant catered to little kids who enjoy trains. A train even brings out the food. Serving little kids can be a challenge as some do not know exactly how they eat their food so you have to be thorough explaining how they would receive their food. Eggs are a main example of this as they don't know how their parents cook them other than the fact they are eggs. It also teaches you how to deal with rude customers. Although at a kids restaurant their is not much complaining as families are playing with the play toys we offer there are still instances of people complaining, Sometimes even the kids can bring down the parents moods. A lot of customer service is just trying to keep the customer happy such as potentially offering deals to boost their experience at the restaurant.

During my time landscaping I learned hard work is one of the most important things. Another would be to be prepared. You just have to get the job done no matter the conditions if it is extremely hot bring extra water and be prepared to take at least one break. This work experience was much different from The Junction Diner as it was only me and I could only rely on myself. This made it take much longer, Depending on what the customer asked I could end up staying there for most of the day spreading mulch planting bushes and possibly mowing their lawn. Customer service was also a main component in Landscaping because you are following the owners instructions on what they would like done to their yard. It is their yard so you also must treat it with respect and do your best to make everything perfect to their desires.